Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year, New Me.

It had already been 9 days past 2010. Finally I have the free time to let my mind relax and activate my writing spirit. So far the year of 2010 had proved that out of the 365 days, more than half of it will more likely be miserable or hectic. It'll either be filled with studies, or worse, issues. Coming back to KL certainly means coming back to the land of problems, which unlike Penang, I'm more often stationed around the four walls of my house, with communication limited to family and close friends. Not much people had known my return for I had isolated myself for reasons that I don't even know myself.

University work load had started to increase day after day. We just had our first actual approach to our future job as a pharmacist, dispensing the medication. Honestly, until today I totally cannot imagine myself wearing that white labcoat, standing in front of the counter dispensing the medication. But after today's experience, I guess I'm getting a hang of it. The session today wasn't really smooth, but it's a good start where I can continue to improve. Lecture wise, as usual I tend to sleep through boring lectures, which I really tried to force both eyes open. Let's just say that I'm not really a person who can stands boredom. =P

It actually took me 2 long weeks to complete this whole part. And I realized time flies real real real fast. I've already finished 3 weeks of semester 4. Doing the math, we only got 12 weeks left before the study break. Goosebumps. Though time is running fast, I still can't keep up that pace at all. I'm often stuck with taking my sweet time completing small tasks, and also the genetic strain of laziness which cannot be eradicated. Grrr...

Despite all the busy life and workload, I'm actually enjoying semester 4. Don't ask me why, or don't condemn me being crazy cuckoo bastard. I'm already at the final 2 years of my study life, before I step into the cruel world. I can see myself working 8-5, and clubbing/drinking every weekends. O.o The other day my brother and sister tried to bring me down by feeding me with wine + heineken. But oh well, they failed miserablely, not knowing that I've started training my drinking skills in KL. They got not even a single idea! *evil grins*

Well I don't think I can keep this blog breathing that often. Have to suffocate it due to increasing amount of workload and also lack of sleep. Till the next post, chiaos!

Signing off,
Andrew Neoh

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