Tuesday, April 27, 2010


One week before the start of End of Semester 4 Examination. In fact it's just 5 days and a half, and to be accurate, just 2 and a half days more to study. Stress starts to set in as usual, this semester being the worst of all semesters. More things to study, lesser time => screwed pretty badly. Kinda hate this kind of life, I know everyone does, waking up study till sleep again. Even sleeps aren't as fun and relaxing as last time. Tend to wake up in the middle of the night to realize that it's not morning yet. I'm kinda phobic for daylight now. Daylight signifies that I'd have to sit at the same place with the same posture and read. Every second counts. Sigh. 15 days more to go. Just have to go through this 2 weeks n that's it! At this point of time I don't really care about how I do in the exam now. I know I've done my best. I just want to go through it and the following 4 more EOS-es and graduate. All the best mates!

Signing off,
Andrew Neoh

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